10TH EXPERT FORUM ON COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW BASINS BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG ON FEBRUARY 19, 2025, IN STUTTGART The established specialist event is celebrating an anniversary: for the tenth time, the Expert Forum on Combined Sewer Overflow Basins in Baden-Württemberg is taking place, emphasizing the continued relevance of stormwater management for water management professionals in the region.
For over 20 years, MevaPol has been the exclusive distributor of Steinhardt products in Poland. The fruitful cooperation with Steinhardt GmbH continues, too, following the recent generational change at MevaPol. Krystina Taylor, the previous owner of Mevapol, has sold her shares and handed over the company’s business to her son-in-law, Pawel Meissner, who is the new managing partner.
After days of rainfall in the Nong Yai district of the Thai province of Chonburi, the newly installed HydroSlide V‑type flow regulator was able to prove its reliability.
The orifice plate of the VN-type discharge controller, which has been installed in a new stormwater overflow basin, is moved vertically in front of the passage opening by means of a float mechanism. In this way, it regulates the flow automatically and without external energy to the set maximum flow rate.
Jörg Steinhardt held a keynote speech on sustainability at the China Urban Water Association’s 14th international conference at the end of November 2019. In co-operation with Steinhardt GmbH’s Chinese partners, Gu Hong, “Selected energetic optimised processes and techniques for stormwater basins and separating structures” were presented.
The VDI’s Entrepreneur Forum held on 3rd March in Taunusstein demonstrated that valuable expertise and insight is very much present on a regional level. Wolfgang Truss, Dipl.-Ing. and Director of the VDI Rheingau Regional Branch, is responsible for the organisation of the forum series. Steinhardt GmbH hosted the well-attended meeting during which guest companies gained not just an insight into Steinhardt’s product diversity but were also shown key factors leading to the success of the internationally active medium-sized business.
It was Steinhardt GmbH’s first appearance as a member of the internationally active ABIONIK Group in Chicago at the WEFTEC 2019, North America’s most important conference and exhibition for specialists involved in all aspects of water quality.
At the National Sponge City Forum 2019 in South China, the Managing Director of Steinhardt GmbH, Mr. Ingo Mayer, together with Steinhardt’s Chinese partner company GuHong, presented current project-related measures for sustainable stormwater management and treatment as well as flood protection.
For the last ten years, we have been consolidating Steinhardt’s position on the field of national and international competition. Existing products have undergone fine-tuning and new product ranges for flood protection and process water technology have been established. Against the recognition that small companies are no match for global players, we have built up partnerships with competent firms whose innovative products will broaden future business opportunities and ensure growth.
A huge stormwater retention basin, partly with dammed embankments, has been constructed at the new industry park WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial State 4, in Rayong, Thailand, to safeguard against monsoon flooding. The no-maintenance and power-free flow regulator HydroSlide MINI DR 1400, here with an outflow of 4,000 l/s, protects the lower lying area …
In order to minimise the risk of flooding and unwanted overspill into receiving waters during storm events, the city of Shanghai is planning a 15 km-long tunnel with a diameter of 10 meters beneath the River Suzhou.