• Fitting

Professional and expert fitting — a pre-condition for optimal performance

Installation by the Steinhardt Service Team includes:

  1. all prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured by Stein­hardt GmbH as per our offer,
  2. all prod­ucts deliv­ered by Stein­hardt GmbH as per our offer,
  3. all aux­il­iary prod­ucts required for the pro­duc­tion of a com­plete sys­tem as per our offer,
  4. func­tion­al test­ing as per our offer,
  5. com­mis­sion­ing accord­ing to the fit­ting requirements,
  6. tech­ni­cal brief­ing accord­ing to the fit­ting requirements ,
  7. han­dover fol­low­ing com­ple­tion of installation,
  8. site accep­tance test fol­low­ing com­ple­tion of installation.

Trained ser­vice per­son­nel, famil­iar with our entire range, car­ry out fit­ting of all Stein­hardt prod­ucts. Our ser­vice vehi­cles are mod­ern and opti­mal­ly equipped for main­te­nance and repair work. We also liaise with cer­ti­fied region­al ser­vice partners.

Please note the var­i­ous fit­ting, main­te­nance and ser­vice con­di­tions required for safe and effi­cient oper­a­tion. These con­di­tions are prod­uct-spe­cif­ic and an inte­gral part of every offer. Should you not be in pos­ses­sion of the main­te­nance and ser­vice con­di­tions, please enquire.

Cau­tion: Spe­cial care must be tak­en when work­ing in sew­ers! Every mem­ber of the Stein­hardt team has pro­tec­tive per­son­al equip­ment in line with the require­ments laid down by the trade asso­ci­a­tion, by legal reg­u­la­tions and by the Stein­hardt Com­pa­ny Instructions.