News from our company

Generation change at MevaPol opens up new perspectives

For over 20 years, MevaP­ol has been the exclu­sive dis­trib­u­tor of Stein­hardt prod­ucts in Poland. The fruit­ful coop­er­a­tion with Stein­hardt GmbH con­tin­ues, too, fol­low­ing the recent gen­er­a­tional change at MevaP­ol. Krysti­na Tay­lor, the pre­vi­ous own­er of Mevap­ol, has sold her shares and hand­ed over the company’s busi­ness to her son-in-law, Pawel Meiss­ner, who is the new man­ag­ing part­ner.

Steinhardt DilliGent-System forms the focus of a research project

Fund­ed by the Ger­man Fed­er­a­tion of Indus­tri­al Research Asso­ci­a­tions — AiF – work start­ed in July 2020 at Stein­hardt GmbH on a new research project, sched­uled to last 2 years. Its aim is to eval­u­ate the micro­bi­o­log­i­cal clean­ing per­for­mance of a hydro­dy­nam­ic cav­i­ta­tion sys­tem. In human med­i­cine, around 700 to 800 tonnes of antibi­otics are con­sumed annu­al­ly in Ger­many and in vet­eri­nary med­i­cine the fig­ure is even twice as high.
Zuverlässig und ohne Fremdernergie arbeitet der HydroSlide-Typ V auch als Abflussregler in Regenüberlaufbecken – hier im Mai 2020 in Thailand.

Successful retention of heavy rainfall by means of the HydroSlide V‑type flow regulator

After days of rain­fall in the Nong Yai dis­trict of the Thai province of Chon­buri, the new­ly installed HydroSlide V‑type flow reg­u­la­tor was able to prove its reli­a­bil­i­ty. The ori­fice plate of the VN-type dis­charge con­troller, which has been installed in a new stormwa­ter over­flow basin, is moved ver­ti­cal­ly in front of the pas­sage open­ing by means of a float mech­a­nism. In this way, it reg­u­lates the flow auto­mat­i­cal­ly and with­out exter­nal ener­gy to the set max­i­mum flow rate.
01 process, 02 resource-friendly, 03 energy-saving

Steinhardt emphasises sustainability at CUWA’s 14th conference in Suzhou

Jörg Stein­hardt held a keynote speech on sus­tain­abil­i­ty at the Chi­na Urban Water Association’s 14th inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence at the end of Novem­ber 2019. In co-oper­a­tion with Stein­hardt GmbH’s Chi­nese part­ners, Gu Hong, “Select­ed ener­getic opti­mised process­es and tech­niques for stormwa­ter basins and sep­a­rat­ing struc­tures” were pre­sent­ed.
Steinhardt VDI Entrepreneur Forum

VDI — Association of German Engineers – Steinhardt hosts Entrepreneur Forum

The VDI’s Entre­pre­neur Forum held on 3rd March in Taunusstein demon­strat­ed that valu­able exper­tise and insight is very much present on a region­al lev­el. Wolf­gang Truss, Dipl.-Ing. and Direc­tor of the VDI Rhein­gau Region­al Branch, is respon­si­ble for the organ­i­sa­tion of the forum series. Stein­hardt GmbH host­ed the well-attend­ed meet­ing dur­ing which guest com­pa­nies gained not just an insight into Steinhardt’s prod­uct diver­si­ty but were also shown key fac­tors lead­ing to the suc­cess of the inter­na­tion­al­ly active medi­um-sized busi­ness.

ABIONIK Group – Success at America’s largest environmental event

It was Stein­hardt GmbH’s first appear­ance as a mem­ber of the inter­na­tion­al­ly active ABIONIK Group in Chica­go at the WEFTEC 2019, North America’s most impor­tant con­fer­ence and exhi­bi­tion for spe­cial­ists involved in all aspects of water qual­i­ty.

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