Self-powered flow regulator for floodwater retention facility on the Sulzberger Bach

The con­struc­tion of the flood reten­tion reser­voir on the Sulzberg­er Bach stream in Ober­all­gäu is a mea­sure designed to pro­tect the town cen­tre of Sulzberg from flood­ing in the future. In the last few years, even less­er storm events have revealed the water­course to be a high-water threat to the town whose name it shares.

The Sulzberg­er Bach stream will be dammed upstream for the FCR in the area of two vil­lages, Ried and Ober­min­den­dorf, so that a flood reten­tion zone is cre­at­ed in the terrain.

The project con­trac­tor is the Free State of Bavaria, rep­re­sent­ed by the Water Man­age­ment Author­i­ty of Kempten.

In order to guar­an­tee reli­able func­tion­ing of the FCR Stein­hardt GmbH engi­neered a self-pow­ered flow reg­u­la­tor that lim­its the con­stant out­flow from the reser­voir to 2.4 m³/s.

Hydro­Maxx, the active flow con­trol, is mount­ed upstream and takes the form of a mov­able plate con­trolled by a cus­tom-designed, patent­ed reg­u­la­tor mech­a­nism that uses a ver­ti­cal­ly mov­ing float to keep the flow con­stant irre­spec­tive of water level.

The bespoke dis­charge con­trol was devel­oped by Stein­hardt engi­neers specif­i­cal­ly for the project and was man­u­fac­tured entire­ly of stain­less steel at our pro­duc­tion site in Taunusstein, Germany.