Top marks for Steinhardt
HydroSlide Automatic Regulator Type GM

In Feb­ru­ary 2018 the Insti­tute for Under­ground Infra­struc­ture, IKT, car­ried out inde­pen­dent prod­uct test­ing on flow reg­u­la­tors. Six hydro-mechan­i­cal throt­tling devices for storm basins were exam­ined and com­pared. Dur­ing test­ing, the HydroSlide Auto­mat­ic Reg­u­la­tor Type GM was award­ed full points in the rubric Hydraulic Func­tion. Out of the 6 reg­u­la­tors put to the test, one gained an over­all rat­ing of “good”, three were judged as “sat­is­fac­to­ry” and one labelled as “inad­e­quate”. One device was disqualified.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found on the IKT home­page. The detailed test results can be down­loaded here.

Cita­tions from the test certificate:

“Over­all impression
The throt­tle attained the mark “very good” dur­ing the hydraulic func­tion test phase I with 25 l/s (Mark 1.3), where­by eval­u­a­tion of the indi­vid­ual cri­te­ria fell between 1.0 and 2.0.

The throt­tle attained the mark “good” dur­ing the hydraulic func­tion test phase II with 10 l/s (Mark 1.8). Here, the assess­ment of the indi­vid­ual cri­te­ria lay between 1.0 and 2.5.

De-plug­ging reli­a­bil­i­ty of the HydroSlide Auto­mat­ic Reg­u­la­tor GM was rat­ed with the mark 3.0. No risk of block­age occurred dur­ing tests using wood­en sticks, stoneware shards, bricks and core sam­ples. Test­ing with hygiene arti­cles (singly and as a mass) result­ed in the acti­va­tion of the auto­mat­ic de-plug­ging process. The sys­tem was award­ed the mark 1.2 for its con­di­tion at the end of the test phase.

Qual­i­ty assur­ance was marked with 3.5. The sup­pli­er pro­vid­ed 4 of 9 cri­te­ria (Reg­u­la­tor key tech­ni­cal data; Scope of guar­an­tee; Oper­at­ing, Main­te­nance and Instal­la­tion Guide; Exter­nal mon­i­tor­ing credentials).”