• HydroSlide Automatic Regulator Type GM
HydroSlide® Automatic Regulator Type GM

External energy-free flow regulator with
automatic blockage clearance

The Challenge

Mod­ern hydraulic man­age­ment con­cepts require throt­tling devices to be con­sid­ered. The ide­al is where the flow curve is per­pen­dic­u­lar pro­vid­ing a con­stant dis­charge. Throt­tling con­trols are required for foul and sur­face water sys­tems,  for water­cours­es and riv­er con­trol. These reg­u­lat­ing devices are required to pro­vide pre­cise dis­charge con­trol through­out the reg­u­lat­ing range.

The Solution

The ori­fice cross sec­tion is adjust­ed to main­tain a con­stant dis­charge by a ver­ti­cal­ly oper­at­ing shut­ter plate. Our shut­ter plate is con­nect­ed to a float arm which relates the water lev­el to a con­trol cam. The pre­ci­sion of the con­trol cam design enables the flow to be reg­u­lat­ed to an accu­ra­cy of ± 5% from design point. All HydroSlide® Flow Reg­u­la­tors are com­mon­ly sup­plied with­out a ‘First Flush’ func­tion (see tech­ni­cal doc­u­men­ta­tion); how­ev­er, a first flush func­tion can be pro­vid­ed for use in foul sew­ers per­mit­ting the ini­tial debris to pass down­stream pri­or to reg­u­lat­ing. In such cas­es, the HydroSlide® Auto­mat­ic Flow Reg­u­la­tor Type GM can be adapt­ed to any required set­ting. When a block­age occurs, the reg­u­la­tor will open ful­ly to allow the debris to pass through before return­ing to its reg­u­lat­ing func­tion. Our unit is fit­ted with a ‘T’ han­dle to enable man­u­al open­ing of the unit if desired. When man­u­al­ly opened, the HydroSlide® Auto­mat­ic Flow Reg­u­la­tor Type GM opens the whole ori­fice to enable debris to pass through. All reg­u­la­tors are pro­vid­ed with a bench­ing pro­fil­ing guide.

IKT Winner in Product Test for Throttle Organs 02/2018

More Infor­ma­tion: here
You can down­load a detailed overview here.

The Advantages

  • auto­mat­ic open­ing for block­age clearance
  • sim­ple, robust construction
  • pull cable for man­u­al open­ing from above ground (up to and incl. DR 250)
  • con­trol mech­a­nism pro­tect­ed by housing
  • no sole jump
  • with­out ini­tial flush
  • wet instal­la­tion avoids sep­a­rate shaft
  • favourable dis­charge cross-sec­tion dur­ing throttling
  • adapt­able for oth­er dis­charge para­me­ters by exchang­ing disc cam
  • option­al: VARIO func­tion for Qabset­ting
Steinhardt HydroSlide