Tag Archive for: Hochwasserrückhaltebecken

Self-powered flow regulator for floodwater retention facility on the Sulzberger Bach

The con­struc­tion of the flood reten­tion reser­voir on the Sulzberg­er Bach stream in Ober­all­gäu is a mea­sure designed to pro­tect the town cen­tre of Sulzberg from flood­ing in the future. In the last few years, even less­er storm events have revealed the water­course to be a high-water threat to the town whose name it shares.

The Sulzberg­er Bach stream will be dammed upstream for the FCR in the area of two vil­lages, Ried and Ober­min­den­dorf, so that a flood reten­tion zone is cre­at­ed in the terrain.