Entries by Stefan

Steinhardt presents new vacuum flushing system at the IE expo in Shanghai

At their joint booth at this year’s Envi­ron­men­tal Tech­nol­o­gy Solu­tions Trade Fair, IE expo, in Shang­hai, Gu Hong (Shang­hai) Envi­ron­men­tal Engi­neer­ing Equip­ment Co., Ltd., Mat­ing (Shang­hai) Mem­brane Tech­nol­o­gy Co., Ltd., Likus­ta Umwelt­tech­nik GmbH and Stein­hardt Water Tech­nol­o­gy Sys­tems exhib­it­ed prod­ucts for waste­water treat­ment, water purifi­ca­tion and stormwa­ter treatment. …

Major contract in Warsaw crowns longstanding co-operation with MEVA-Pol

Stein­hardt Direc­tor, Jörg Stein­hardt, took the oppor­tu­ni­ty of his vis­it to the Wod-Kan trade show in Byd­goszcz to con­grat­u­late Meva-Pol, Steinhardt’s Pol­ish agency based in Gdan­sk, on their 20th com­pa­ny anniver­sary. Jörg Stein­hardt empha­sised the prof­itable and com­pe­tent col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Pol­ish com­pa­ny which has dis­trib­uted the Stein­hardt prod­ucts suc­cess­ful­ly since 2005.

Steinhardt Floodwater protection now available in Switzerland

Zum ersten 01. August 2019 wird die Bau­mod­ul GmbH aus dem schweiz­er Kefikon den Ver­trieb der Stein­hardt Hoch­wasser­schutz-Kom­po­­nen­ten und ‑Sys­teme übernehmen. „Ins­beson­dere die Philoso­phie der Bau­mod­ul GmbH sich nicht nur als Handels­unternehmen, son­dern auch als Berater und Begleit­er eines Baupro­jek­tes zu verstehen, …

New from Steinhardt: DILLIGENT – chemical-free water purification

On 20th Novem­ber 2018 Jür­gen and Thomas Dil­litzer, Com­pa­ny Part­ners of Dil­li­gence Sys­tems, signed a future-ori­ent­ed agree­ment with Jörg Stein­hardt, Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Stein­hardt GmbH, where­by Dil­li­gence Sys­tems shares were tak­en over in their entire­ty by Stein­hardt. This has opened a new field of busi­ness for Stein­hardt in the form of process water treatment. 

Steinhardt Expertise at the IWA World Water Congress, Tokyo

The World Water Con­gress & Exhi­bi­tion, host­ed by the Inter­na­tion­al Water Asso­ci­a­tion (IWA), address­es an issue of prime impor­tance – the solu­tion of glob­al water prob­lems. As recog­nised expert in the field of mod­ern waste­water man­age­ment, Jörg Stein­hardt received an invi­ta­tion from the Tokyo Met­ro­pol­i­tan Gov­ern­ment and the Tokyo Met­ro­pol­i­tan Sew­er­age Bureau 

Steinhardt signs up top new distributor for UK

As of 1stNovember 2018 Stein­hardt GmbH has a high­ly effec­tive dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ner for the UK and Ire­land in Jaco­pa Ltd.. Despite cur­rent uncer­tain­ties over future trad­ing rela­tions with Great Britain, Stein­hardt GmbH is con­fi­dent of con­tin­u­ing pos­i­tive busi­ness trends in the UK.

German engineering skills for global environmental protection

The region­al mag­a­zine of the Rhein­gau VDI – The Asso­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Engi­neers – pub­lished a three-page por­trait of Stein­hardt GmbH in their April issue. Fol­low­ing the head­line, “Ger­man engi­neer­ing skills for glob­al envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion”, the arti­cle focussed on Steinhardt’s inter­na­tion­al net­work of dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ners in 27 countries. 

KEYS – Steinhardt continues BMBF research in China

Fol­low­ing the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of two research projects fund­ed by the Min­istry for Edu­ca­tion and Research (BMBF), Stein­hardt has now received con­fir­ma­tion of par­tic­i­pa­tion in a fol­low-up project, KEYS. The project active­ly sup­ports the devel­op­ment of Ger­man smart tech­nolo­gies for appli­ca­tion in China’s Sponge City scheme.
The Leib­nitz Uni­ver­si­ty in Hanover and the con­sor­tium of part­ner com­pa­nies are design­ing equip­ment specif­i­cal­ly for local con­di­tions in the Chi­nese cap­i­tal Bei­jing as well as in the boom­ing metrop­o­lis of Shen­zhen. The pilot projects will offer sus­tain­able solu­tions that can also be applied to oth­er sites in China. 

Brexit-Auswirkungen auf mittelständische Unternehmen

In der Vertre­tung des Lan­des Hes­sen bei der Europäis­chen Union in Brüs­sel fand am 11. Juli auf Ein­ladung von Europamin­is­terin Lucia Put­trich und Wirtschaftsmin­is­ter Tarek Al Wazir eine Ver­anstal­tung zum The­ma „Belas­tung­sprobe Brex­it – neue Chan­cen, neue Risiken für die hes­sis­che Wirtschaft“ statt.
Jörg Stein­hardt, Vor­sitzen­der des Unternehmer­beirats der HTAI, stellte dabei die Auswirkun­gen des Brex­its auf sein Unternehmen dar.