ABIONIK Group – Success at America’s largest environmental event 

It was Stein­hardt GmbH’s first appear­ance as a mem­ber of the inter­na­tion­al­ly active ABIONIK Group in Chica­go at the WEFTEC 2019, North America’s most impor­tant con­fer­ence and exhi­bi­tion for spe­cial­ists involved in all aspects of water qual­i­ty. A major goal was to inten­si­fy access to the Amer­i­can mar­ket. And a key fac­tor here is the place­ment of inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts such as HydroSpin Float­a­bles Removal, adapt­ed by Stein­hardt GmbH for the North Amer­i­can mar­ket and dis­trib­uted there in exclu­sive co-oper­a­tion with part­ner GNA (Gabriel Novac & Asso­ciates Ltd.). HydroSpin com­po­nents are eas­i­ly mod­i­fi­able to the local envi­ron­ment and oper­a­tion is prac­ti­cal­ly main­te­nance-free – two of the fac­tors con­tribut­ing to the product’s suc­cess – alone in Japan with 1,600 installations.

ABIONIK Group’s oth­er prod­uct sec­tors cre­at­ed live­ly inter­est with vis­i­tors, too, mak­ing for a sat­is­fied ABIONIK team (from the left) Catal­do Parise (CEO Likus­ta Umwelt­tech­nik), Daniel Craw­ford (CEO ABIONIK Group) and Jörg Stein­hardt (Stein­hardt GmbH).