Successful retention of heavy rainfall by means of the HydroSlide V‑type flow regulator

After days of rain­fall in the Nong Yai dis­trict of the Thai province of Chon­buri, the new­ly installed HydroSlide V‑type flow reg­u­la­tor was able to prove its reliability.

The ori­fice plate of the VN-type dis­charge con­troller, which has been installed in a new stormwa­ter over­flow basin, is moved ver­ti­cal­ly in front of the pas­sage open­ing by means of a float mech­a­nism. In this way, it reg­u­lates the flow auto­mat­i­cal­ly and with­out exter­nal ener­gy to the set max­i­mum flow rate.

The pic­tures, tak­en on 5th May 2020, show the over­flow basin with the con­trol ele­ment and the sub­merged dis­charge open­ing with a max­i­mum diam­e­ter of 1.3 metres. The con­trol mech­a­nism, which is pro­tect­ed from float­ing refuse, reg­u­lates the flow to a max­i­mum of 3.3 m³/s, thus pre­vent­ing the drainage chan­nel from over­load and the adja­cent res­i­den­tial and con­struc­tion areas from being flooded.

The new­ly con­struct­ed stormwa­ter over­flow basins are a vital part of exten­sive infra­struc­ture mea­sures for a new indus­tri­al estate of more than 350 hectares and of cor­re­spond­ing­ly great impor­tance for the entire region. The Chief Engi­neer of the project devel­op­er, WHA Indus­tri­al Devel­op­ment, was so sat­is­fied after the suc­cess­ful “bap­tism of fire” that he expressed his thanks in writ­ing with a “well done” letter.