Steinhardt DilliGent-System forms the focus
of a research project

With­in the scope of an AiF-man­aged project enti­tled HydroKavtec, the micro­bi­o­log­i­cal clean­ing per­for­mance of a hydro­dy­nam­ic cav­i­ta­tion sys­temdevel­oped by Stein­hardt GmbH will be researched and eval­u­at­ed at the Tech­nolo­giezen­trum Wass­er (TWZ) in Karlsruhe.

The back­ground facts: In human med­i­cine around 700 to 800 tonnes of antibi­otics are con­sumed annu­al­ly in Ger­many and in vet­eri­nary med­i­cine the fig­ure is even twice as high. The result is an increas­ing num­ber of resis­tant bac­te­ria that are released into the envi­ron­ment via waste­water and ulti­mate­ly find their way back into the human com­mu­ni­ty. Mul­ti-resis­tant bac­te­ria is the term used to describe bac­te­r­i­al strains which have learned to adapt to the effect of var­i­ous antibi­otics. In addi­tion to mul­ti-resis­tant bac­te­ria, oth­er water­borne path­o­gen­ic agents exist that can cause dis­eases, for exam­ple legionel­la which attacks the lungs.

The HydroKavtec project focuss­es on a hydro­dy­nam­ic cav­i­ta­tion-based process which is being devel­oped to elim­i­nate pathogens present in water. Using a defined high process water pre-pres­sure, cav­i­ta­tion, oxi­da­tion and vac­u­um are gen­er­at­ed with pin­point accu­ra­cy in a spe­cial­ly devel­oped hydro­me­chan­i­cal reac­tor sys­tem. The vac­u­um caus­es the struc­ture of the bac­te­r­i­al cells to burst, any residue is large­ly elim­i­nat­ed by oxidation.

Our project part­ner, the TZW — The Ger­man Water Cen­tre - will be respon­si­ble for record­ing the micro­bi­o­log­i­cal effi­cien­cy of the process. The process and plant tech­nol­o­gy will be devel­oped by the Stein­hardt com­pa­ny and will be spe­cial­ly adapt­ed to the require­ments described. Fur­ther­more, high per­for­mance oper­a­tion must be attained in cre­at­ing the cav­i­ta­tion effect with only min­i­mum ener­gy input.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion at: TZW-HydroKavtec

BMWi – Fed­er­al Min­istry of Eco­nom­ics and Technology

Project run­ning time:
July 2020 – June 2022