
Professional repairs for shorter standstill phases and better environmental protection

Quick and pro­fes­sion­al repair work reduces not just stand­still time and relat­ed costs – it offers greater pro­tec­tion against pos­si­ble dam­age to the envi­ron­ment and result­ing pros­e­cu­tion. Our ser­vice per­son­nel with their exten­sive knowl­edge and wide expe­ri­ence, along with their high degree of flex­i­bil­i­ty, are there to help you to avoid such cases.

We inspect each sys­tem, com­pile a report and, whilst onsite, issue an offer based on the inspec­tion report. We do this dur­ing main­te­nance so that inci­den­tal nec­es­sary repairs can be con­tract­ed and com­plet­ed at short notice. Our par­al­lel sys­tem saves you time and mon­ey. When the repair work is com­plet­ed, we car­ry out a func­tion­al check and put your sys­tem back into oper­a­tion, the sys­tem is hand­ed over to the oper­a­tor and the repair report issued.

Cau­tion: Spe­cial care must be tak­en when work­ing in sew­ers! Every mem­ber of the Stein­hardt team has under­gone train­ing and is in pos­ses­sion of pro­tec­tive per­son­al equip­ment in line with the require­ments laid down by the trade asso­ci­a­tion and by legal reg­u­la­tions for this par­tic­u­lar work­ing envi­ron­ment. In order to enhance safe­ty, spe­cialised train­ing is car­ried out in-house on an annu­al basis.