HydroSelf® Gate Flushing System

High efficiency flushing for tanks and sewer channels

The System

The Hydro­Self® flush­ing sys­tem uses retained water to clean the floor of stor­age tanks with extreme­ly high effi­cien­cy. It oper­ates with­out exter­nal pow­er and requires no switch­ing tech­nol­o­gy. The sys­tem flush­es via float-con­trol from low-walled stor­age cham­bers arranged with­in the tank. This sys­tem is sim­ple in con­struc­tion but effec­tive in oper­a­tion. Elec­tric con­trol can be sup­plied depend­ing on avail­abil­i­ty of an elec­tri­cal pow­er source. For elec­tri­cal­ly-pow­ered sys­tems the pow­er-pack maxi-mum pow­er con­sump­tion is 0.75 kW.  The Hydro­Self® pro­duces a high ener­gy flush­ing wave re-sus­pend­ing the set­tled debris and car­ry­ing it to the receiv­ing sump.

The Functioning 

High­ly-pol­lut­ed water flows through the pre-throt­tle 1 to the out­let. Should the incom­ing flow rate exceed the out­let flow, impound­ing will begin at the out­let. The floats rise 6 and the flush­ing gates 5 are locked into posi­tion by an enclosed hydraulic trans­mis­sion. Now the pre-throt­tle caus­es incom­ing water to impound more quick­ly in the pre-cham­ber 2 than in the remain­ing reten­tion sys­tem.  The use of flap valves 3 caus­es the water to flow into the stor­age cham­bers to enable charg­ing of the flush­ing cham­bers to occur even with par­tial fill­ing of the reten­tion tank.

After each fill­ing, includ­ing par­tial fill­ings, the tank will drain down and emp­ty; the flush­ing gates are unlocked as the floats sink to the low­est water lev­el in the receiv­ing sump. The gates flush one after the oth­er so that the receiv­ing sump vol­ume is min­imised and there is now back­wash in the tank. If an elec­tri­cal pow­er source is avail­able, Stein­hardt can offer a PLC con­trol with opti­mised remote effect. A sin­gle flush­ing wave is suf­fi­cient to flush long tanks and chan­nels reli­ably, even with use of low stor­age chambers.

The Advantages

  • envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly clean­ing, no exter­nal pow­er required, no fresh water sup­ply, no switch­ing technology
  • flush­es even after par­tial fill­ing, man­u­al flush­ing option
  • prac­ti­cal­ly main­te­nance-free 
  • cleans long chan­nels effi­cient­ly with a sin­gle flush
  • flex­i­ble sizing
  • suit­able for retrofit
  • proven at home and abroad