• HydroFlush Sewer Flush Type SH
HydroFlush® Sewer Flush Type SH

Automatic flushing siphon for foul and surface water sewers

The Challenge

If the veloc­i­ty with­in the sew­er is too low, sed­i­ments can build up reduc­ing hydraulic capac­i­ty and exac­er­bat­ing smell issues. Con­ven­tion­al clean­ing is usu­al­ly car­ried out by jet­ting or tanker flush­ing. In addi­tion to the high costs of main­tain­ing the sew­er by these meth­ods, dam­age can be caused to the sew­er by repeat­ed jet­ting. As sed­i­ment build-up can occur with­in a few weeks togeth­er with the asso­ci­at­ed odour prob­lem; clean­ing has to be reg­u­lar­ly repeated.

The Way

Ide­al­ly sew­ers should be cleaned con­tin­u­ous­ly so that sed­i­ments do not build up in the first place.
HydroFlush® Sew­er Flush Type SH can pro­vide that clean­ing by send­ing a flush­ing wave peri­od­i­cal­ly to main­tain the sew­er with­out oper­a­tor inter­ven­tion, util­is­ing col­lect­ed sur­face water from adja­cent imper­me­able area or con­trolled water feed.

The Solution

A flush­ing cham­ber is con­struct­ed con­tain­ing the HydroFlush® Sew­er Flush Type SH unit mount­ed on an inter­nal base-plate with its dis­charge pipe direct­ed into the sew­er. The cham­ber fills with water until the top of the siphon is reached; at this point the siphon draws the water from the cham­ber and dis­charges it into the sew­er in a sim­i­lar man­ner to a toi­let flush. Stein­hardt can deliv­er a pro­fil­ing aid for the flush­ing shaft floor and help to design the flush­ing cham­ber. The size of cham­ber is deter­mined by the vol­ume of water required to flush the prob­lem­at­ic length of sew­er. The longer and flat­ter the sew­er gra­di­ent is, the more flush­ing water is required. The vol­ume of the flush­ing water is lim­it­ed by the shaft diam­e­ter and height of the siphon unit. It is impor­tant to cre­ate a con­stant and sus­tained flush­ing wave with suf­fi­cient water to trans­port the debris to a point where the sew­er gra­di­ent is then self-cleansing.

The Function

Clean sur­face water is per­mit­ted to fill the flush­ing cham­ber. This water can 
be derived from con­nect­ing a small imper­me­able area adja­cent to the cham­ber via a gul­ly or by con­trolled clean water sup­ply. When the water lev­el reach­es the top of the HydroFlush® Sew­er Flush device, water flows over and ini­ti­ates the siphon effect which emp­ties the flush­ing cham­ber of the stored water. Final­ly the HydroFlush® Sew­er Flush draws air as the cham­ber emp­ties; the resid­ual water in the siphon col­umn runs back into the flush­ing shaft form­ing an odour seal. Com­plex fill­ing rou­tines can be accom­mo­dat­ed by valve con­trol util­is­ing timers to per­mit flush­ing at desired times of the day / night. The flush­ing cham­ber can eas­i­ly be cleaned if required by remov­ing the HydroFlush® Sew­er Flush, the cham­bers are flushed out and the flush unit rein­stalled. 
It oper­ates auto­mat­i­cal­ly with­out exter­nal pow­er. If you wish to flush a sew­er with waste­water, please enquire 
for our spe­cial products.

The Advantages

  • no elec­tric­i­ty required
  • no noise
  • robust stain­less steel
  • col­lects stormwa­ter and domestic/industrial water
  • pre­vents odour formation
  • con­tin­u­ous sew­er flushing
  • con­stant sus­tained flush­ing wave
  • odour seal
  • low main­te­nance, can be hosed out
  • pro­fil­ing aid optional
  • engi­neer­ing sup­port from manufacturer