• HydroBeam Protection for Properties
HydroBeam® Flood Protection for Property

Custom-made, watertight protection for buildings and facilities

The Challenge

The cli­mate is chang­ing and large imper­me­able sur­faces are being cre­at­ed by devel­op­ment. Rivers and creeks over­flow their banks more fre­quent­ly, quick­ly and with more destruc­tive pow­er. Indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties have to be secured so that flood water does not reach them, but also so that haz­ardous sub­stances do not reach the waters. Fire-fight­ing water bar­ri­ers also pre­vent the runoff of sub­stances haz­ardous to water. Pro­tec­tion of prop­er­ties, assets and the envi­ron­ment has top priority.

The Way 

Hous­es, fac­to­ries and com­mer­cial build­ings can be effec­tive­ly safe­guard­ed with mobile pro­tec­tion. It is not enough to rely on the old sand­bag meth­ods when river­banks and mobile flood pro­tec­tion units fail. Plan­ning ahead to pro­tect your prop­er­ty with HydroBeam® pro­tec­tion mea­sures will allow faster reac­tion times. When self-pro­tec­tion mea­sures are max­imised the dam­age and exces­sive clean-up costs are minimised.

The Solution 

The HydroBeam® mobile flood pro­tec­tion fits to the build­ing struc­ture pro­vid­ing a water-tight seal. Stein­hardt GmbH pro­vides cus­tom-designed stop logs with inte­grat­ed guide tracks. They are tai­lor-made to the site to ensure water-tight­ness. The frames can be per­ma­nent­ly cov­ered (win­dows, doors, gates and dri­ve­ways). The stop logs are neat­ly stored ready for use. Leak­age rates are well below the lim­its set by DIN 19569–4 with the Stein­hardt HydroBeam® seal­ing sys­tem. You define your degree of protection.


Water always tries to find its way into a prop­er­ty; we have expe­ri­ence to assess your prop­er­ty and pro­vide qual­i­ty equip­ment to pro­tect against float­ing and ground seepage.

Can you close off inlets and out­lets in case of flooding?
Do you know all inflows, gul­leys and roof runoffs that drain into your property?
Can these be safe­ly diverted?

Ask us. We won’t leave you out in the rain.

Application areas:

  • for build­ings in pri­vate and pub­lic areas  (flood pro­tec­tion)
  • for tech­ni­cal, indus­tri­al and pro­duc­tion plants (facil­i­ty pro­tec­tion; pro­tec­tion of waters)
  • for fire-fight­ing water reten­tion (pro­tec­tion of waters)


  • Alu­mini­um (EN AW 6060 T66)
  • Stain­less steel (1.4301, 1.4571)

The Advantages

  • sim­ple, robust stain­less steel/aluminium construction
  • vari­able design adapt­ed to appli­ca­tion environment
  • high oper­a­tional reliability
  • sim­ple and quick installation
  • fast, light mount­ing, also pos­si­ble with­out heavy lift­ing gear
  • with guide and seal­ing tracks
  • spe­cial EPDM seal­ing for evening out of floors up to 15mm
  • plan­ning support
  • option­al stor­age system
  • option­al ear­ly warn­ing system
Steinhardt HydroBeam