Measurement Technology

Var­i­ous meth­ods of mea­sure­ment tech­nol­o­gy can be used but only a few make sense and are suit­able for appli­ca­tion in the stormwa­ter and waste­water sector.

Information for planners and operators:

  • Reflec­tions can fal­si­fy the results of ultra­son­ic and radar measurements.
  • Direct sun­light can cause a tem­per­a­ture drift which may lead to mea­sure­ment devi­a­tions of up to 100%. The sen­sors must be pro­tect­ed from direct sun­light and equipped with tem­per­a­ture drift compensation.
  • Con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of sen­sors can also lead to incor­rect mea­sure­ments with ultra­sound and radar equip­ment. Even cob­webs with water drops can lead to the fail­ure of a mea­sur­ing instru­ment. A humid envi­ron­ment caus­es cor­ro­sion which can lead to mal­func­tion of the mea­sur­ing equip­ment if left unprotected.
  • Cer­tain mea­sur­ing meth­ods, such as ultra­sound, have to main­tain spe­cif­ic dis­tances before the medi­um can be mea­sured. The use of mir­rors can help but reg­u­lar clean­ing is vital.
  • The mea­sure­ment of flow rates or water lev­el heights can nev­er be accu­rate in waste­water. Even under lab­o­ra­to­ry con­di­tions, expe­ri­ence has shown that the mea­sur­ing accu­ra­cies spec­i­fied by the man­u­fac­tur­ers can­not be achieved. Devi­a­tions from flow rate mea­sure­ments have result­ed in devi­a­tions of up to ± 5 %, no mat­ter how accu­rate the recalibration.