HydroSwizz Emergency Flood Barrier

The innovative flood barrier system –
quick to set up and take down

The Problem

Glob­al warm­ing result­ing in cli­mate change and shifts in weath­er pat­terns has result­ed in increased risk of heavy rain­storms and their accom­pa­ny­ing floods. This does not only apply to areas already iden­ti­fied or well-known as flood plains but extend­ed flood areas are more common.

The Way

The inno­v­a­tive HydroSwizz Flood Bar­ri­er is ready for ser­vice with­in a very short time to divert flood water and when the flood water has sub­sided, it is as quick­ly dis­man­tled and packed away requir­ing only a min­i­mum of stor­age space.

The System

The HydroSwizz Emer­gency Flood Bar­ri­er was devel­oped as an alter­na­tive to sand­bags. The bar­ri­er is easy to erect so that in an emer­gency your prop­er­ty can be quick­ly pro­tect­ed from flood­ing at a min­i­mum of cost.

The HydroSwizz Emer­gency Flood Bar­ri­er can be used on almost any ter­rain and in any direc­tion. Stan­dard seal­ing mate­r­i­al is used along the ground area of the pro­tect­ing bar­ri­er. The bar­ri­er can­not be dis­placed either as it is fixed with a brack­et or an anchor.

For improved sta­bil­i­ty, planks or boards can be laid across the top of the zig-zag bar­ri­er, and on the top of these sand­bags can be laid to pro­vide addi­tion­al weight. You can even walk along the wall, if necessary.

The VA steel sheets are approx. 3 mm thick, approx. 14 kg each and are con­nect­ed to one anoth­er using only 3 bolts (M10). They pro­vide pro­tec­tion up to a height of 600 mm.

Only min­i­mum stor­age space is need­ed for the sheets as they fit into each oth­er for hor­i­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal stor­age. For 10 metres of pro­tec­tive bar­ri­er only 12 boards are required.

The pro­tec­tive bar­ri­er can be viewed by appoint­ment at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty at Darmstadt.

The Advantages

  • sta­ble, stand-alone zig-zag structure
  • robust sys­tem, pre­mi­um VA steel, steel or aluminium
  • stan­dard pro­tec­tion height approx. 0.6 m
  • quick and easy mounting
  • no sup­ports required
  • wide range of applications
  • cheap­er than oth­er flood pro­tec­tion systems
  • fix­ing with or with­out ground anchor
  • easy logis­tics with one design for all pro­tect­ing elements
  • ready for re-use after sim­ple cleaning
  • 90% stor­age gain in com­par­i­son to sto­plogs or sandbags

Pro­tect­ed by UNITED STATES PATENT NO. 10,465,353