• HydroEddy
HydroEddy Mosbaek Flow Controls

Free from external energy, no moving parts

The Challenge

Flow reg­u­la­tors reduce stormwa­ter dis­charge from over­flow struc­ture, drainage catch­ments, etc. in order to pro­tect waste­water treat­ment plants from over­load­ing. Sub­ject to high mechan­i­cal forces, these reg­u­la­tors have to be of sim­ple but robust con­struc­tion. For sev­er­al decades now vor­tex flow con­trollers have proven their reli­able func­tion­ing. The cen­trifu­gal prin­ci­ple ensures a lim­it­ed flow and the flush­ing surge is effec­tive against plug­ging in the device. Lack of mov­ing parts proves a fur­ther attrac­tive fea­ture for many operators.

The Solution

Stein­hardt have more than 35 years of expe­ri­ence in design and man­u­fac­ture of flow reg­u­la­tion con­trols. HydroEd­dy flow con­trols work on the prin­ci­ple of the cen­trifu­gal forces cre­at­ed in the form of a vor­tex. The high resis­tance cre­at­ed acts to brake the dis­charge. Inlet and out­let ori­fices are of a large dimen­sion which assists in pre­vent­ing block­ages. When the water lev­el falls, the cen­trifu­gal effect tapers off and the released flow acts as a self-clean­ing mech­a­nism for the structure.

Areas of Application

HydroEd­dy flow con­trols can be used to lim­it flows in stormwa­ter and reten­tion struc­tures or weirs, in con­tin­u­ous flows to sewage treat­ment plants, pump­ing sta­tions and also in oil and coa­les­cence sep­a­ra­tors. Unused stor­age capac­i­ties in pipelines can be utilised and ero­sion pre­vent­ed in receiv­ing waters by reduc­ing flow rates.

HydroEd­dy flow con­trols can be installed wet, semi-dry or dry and equal­ly in com­bined sewage, stormwa­ter or sewage dis­charges. They have no mov­ing parts and instal­la­tion in exist­ing struc­tures is an uncom­pli­cat­ed matter.

A com­pe­tent overview of the indi­vid­ual hydraulic sit­u­a­tion and the selec­tion of the most suit­able vor­tex con­trollers form the basis of reli­able dis­charge reg­u­la­tion. 

Stein­hardt and Mos­baek engi­neers, with their long years of expe­ri­ence, can offer design­ers and oper­a­tors advice and sup­port with exist­ing and new projects.

The Advantages

  • no mov­ing parts so low on main­te­nance 
  • instal­la­tion with­out invert step possible
  • adjustable to oth­er dis­charge rates, depend­ing on type
  • no exter­nal ener­gy source required 
  • sim­ple, robust stain­less steel construction
  • easy and fast mounting
  • retro-fit­table